
I do apologize for my absence. I know many of you caring followers worry when I am quiet. 

Several positive changes have taken place in her life.

She was invited back East to see Philly and New York with a dear family friend and big raucous Irish family where she saw some of the world and felt much love.

There is a whole world out there for us to explore. That is worth staying healthy and alive to experience.

She switched schools from a large public high school filled with many wealthy cookie cutters and mask wearers to a small accelerated high school where she is back to straight A’s and perfect attendance. Everyone at this school is dealing with something and it is an atmosphere of it is okay to not be okay. You don’t have to pretend the lie of perfection.

It’s okay to not fit in with the masses, the sheeple. In fact I will go ahead and be arrogant and state that it is better. For people like us anyway…

Wellbutrin… seems to be working. Incredibly.

It takes time to find that perfect cocktail doesn’t it?

Hopefully the mentally ill survive the goddamned wait.

But that can’t be helped. If only there was a blood test that would detect the exact issue.

She met a boy at Alateen, they were friends for a few months and now are in a relationship.

She hasn’t self-harmed in well over a month and has been eating well.

We are off for our annual summer in the mountains of the Pacific NorthWestish.

I love you all for your support.

I know well, that it isn’t over.

I also know that she, I, nor you are doomed to a lifetime of torture. That there is such a thing as recovery.

In the mean time, I recline in my reprieve.



4 responses to “Wellness”

  1. That is wonderful news. 🙂 May this current streak continue! And remember to take care of yourself, too, as she is healing. You matter.

  2. This is wonderful to hear! I love the new school. I love that a place like this exists for our kids. So glad you were able to find it…and the Wellbutrin…and Philadelphia…and the mountains.

    Enjoy your rest 🙂

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